The following excerpt is from the Sallekha Sutta: The Discourse on Effacement, Majhimma Nikaya translated from Pali by Nyanaponika Thera accessible here.
"... Cunda, as to those several views that arise in the world concerning self-doctrines and world-doctrines, if [the object] in which these views arise, in which they underlie and become active, is seen with right wisdom as it actually is, thus: 'This is not mine (craving or tanha), this I am not (conceit), this is not my self (wrong view or miccha-ditthi)' --- then the abandoning of these views, their discarding, takes place in him [who thus sees].
But herein Cunda, effacement shall be practised by you:
(1) Others will be harmful; we shall not be harmful here --- thus effacement can be done.
(2) Others will kill living beings; we shall abstain from killing living beings here --- thus effacement can be done.
(3) Others will take what is not given; we shall abstain from taking what is not given here --- thus effacement can be done.
(4) Others will be unchaste; we shall be chaste here --- thus effacement can be done.
(5) Others will speak falsehood; we shall abstain from false speech here --- thus effacement can be done.
(6) Others will speak maliciously; we shall abstain from malicious speech here --- thus effacement can be done.
(7) Others will speak harshly; we shall abstain from harsh speech here --- thus effacement can be done.
(8) Others will gossip; we shall abstain from gossip here --- thus effacement can be done.
(9) Others will be covetous; we shall not be covetous here --- thus effacement can be done.
(10) Others will have thoughts of ill-will; we shall not have thoughts of ill-will here --- thus effacement can be done.
(11) Others will have wrong views; we shall have right view here -- thus effacement can be done.
(12) Others will have wrong intention; we shall have right intention here --- thus effacement can be done.
(13) Others will use wrong speech; we shall use right speech here --- thus effacement can be done.
(14) Others will commit wrong actions; we shall do right actions here --- thus effacement can be done.
(15) Others will have wrong livelihood; we shall have right livelihood here --- thus effacement can be done.
(16) Others will make wrong effort; we shall make right effort here --- thus effacement can be done.
(17) Others will have wrong mindfulness; we shall have right mindfulness here --- thus effacement can be done.
(18) Others will have wrong concentration; we shall have right concentration here --- thus effacement can be done.
(19) Others will have wrong knowledge; we shall have right knowledge here --- thus effacement can be done.
(20) Others will have wrong deliverance; we shall have right deliverance here --- thus effacement can be done.
(21) Others will be overcome by sloth and torpor; we shall be free from sloth and torpor --- thus effacement can be done.
(22) Others will be agitated; we shall be unagitated here --- thus effacement can be done.
(23) Others will be doubting; we shall be free from doubt here --- thus effacement can be done.
(24) Others will be angry; we shall not be angry here --- thus effacement can be done.
(25) Others will be hostile; we shall not be hostile here --- thus effacement can be done.
(26) Others will denigrate; we shall not denigrate here --- thus effacement can be done.
(27) Others will be domineering; we shall not be domineering here --- thus effacement can be done.
(28) Others will be envious; we shall not be envious here --- thus effacement can be done.
(29) Others will be jealous; we shall not be jealous here --- thus effacement can be done.
(30) Others will be fraudulent; we shall not be fraudulent here --- thus effacement can be done.
(31) Others will be hypocrites; we shall not be hypocrites here --- thus effacement can be done.
(32) Others will be obstinate; we shall not be obstinate here --- thus effacement can be done.
(33) Others will be arrogant; we shall not be arrogant here --- thus effacement can be done.
(34) Others will be difficult to admonish; we shall not be difficult to admonish here --- thus effacement can be done.
(35) Others will have bad friends; we shall have noble friends here --- thus effacement can be done.
(36) Others will be negilgent; we shall be heedful here --- thus effacement can be done.
(37) Others will be faithless; we shall be faithful here --- thus effacement can be done.
(38) Others will be shameless; we shall be shameful here --- thus effacement can be done.
(39) Others will be without conscience; we shall be with conscience here --- thus effacement can be done.
(40) Others will have no learning; we shall be learned here --- thus effacement can be done.
(41) Others will be idle; we shall be energetic here --- thus effacement can be done.
(42) Others will be lacking in mindfulness; we shall be established in mindfulness here --- thus effacement can be done.
(43) Others will be without wisdom; we shall be endowed with wisdom --- thus effacement can be done.
(44) Others will misapprehend according to their individual views, hold on to them tenaciously and not easily discard them; we shall not misapprehend according to individual views nor hold to them tenaciously, but shall discard them with ease --- thus effacement can be done.
"What can be done for his disciples by a Master who seeks their welfare and has compassion and pity on them, that I have done for you, Cunda. There are these roots of trees, there are empty places. Meditate, Cunda, do not delay, lest you later regret it. 'This is my message to you."
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