Change Log
Change Log

2024/11/10 ~~ Added the essay The National Pension System: A Primer, to the 'writings' section.

2024/06/08 ~~ Transfer of the page The Arabic Letter Etymology Table from the 'excerpts' to the 'writings' section.

2024/01/22 ~~ Added the excerpt The Garden of the Prophet, a poem by Kahlil Gibran.

2023/08/01 ~~ Added The Qur'an: A Conceptual Vocabulary, a "live" document which will updated on an ongoing basis.

2023/07/20 ~~ Added The Arabic Letter Etymology Table to the excerpts section.

2023/07/16 ~~ Added the excerpt The Folly of False Simplicity

2023/04/03 ~~ Updated the comment Test for Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

2023/04/03 ~~ Added the comment Test for Artificial Intelligence (A.I.).

2023/01/03 ~~ Added section P.P.S to Comment: 'Faring well' and not just 'Forward', to include an excerpt put in the mouth of Yudhishthira.

2022/12/28 ~~ Added section P.VI.S on mechanics of handling large sums of cash, including endowments, to Principles of 'Personal' Investment.

2022/11/09 ~~ Added section P.V.S on building a plan to incorporate The National Pension System into one's investments to Principles of 'Personal Investment.

2022/10/30 ~~ Modified section P.III.S to Principles of 'Personal' Investment.

2022/10/24 ~~ Added section P.IV.S to Principles of 'Personal' Investment.

2022/08/21 ~~ Updated the page Right to (Free & Fair) Information, with a section on Google.

2022/02/28 ~~ Added material of correspondence held with students of a fellowship at WIPRO Foundation on organisational development, available at Session on Organisational Development at Wipro Foundation.

2022/02/01 ~~ Updating and adding links to Principles of 'Personal' Investment.

2022/01/05 ~~ Uploaded A Tense Time With Verbs.

2021/12/26 ~~ Added the excerpt Rousseau, Guevara, Mark and More.

2021/06/06 ~~ Added the website 'Vinyl Writers' to the library catalogue of websites.

2021/04/23 ~~ Uploaded an excerpt Letter: Cyrus Mistry.

2021/02/07 ~~ Uploaded a correspondence regarding a session at Wipro Foundation.

2020/10/27 ~~ Addition of P.P.S and P.P.P.S to the essay How not to behave.

2020/08/03 ~~ Uploaded the essay Making Meaning or Meaning Making.

2020/06/26 ~~ Uploaded the essay Preface to something.

2020/06/14 ~~ Uploaded the essay The Dance of the D's.

2020/06/14 ~~ Uploaded the excerpt In praise of aphorisms.

2020/04/23 ~~ Uploaded the essay Primer on Leverage. And thoughts on scale.

2020/04/22 ~~ Uploaded the excerpt The Nehru we are being made to forget.

2020/04/07 ~~ Uploaded the excerpt A scholar's vocation.

2020/01/08 ~~ Uploaded a correspondence, A few questions.

2019/10/27 ~~ Added the essay, Hamari Adhuri Kahani.

2019/08/10 ~~ Added the excerpt on a commentary exploring the meaning of the term Zakat as used in The Qur'an.

2019/08/05 ~~ Added the essay 'How not to behave' in response to the political decision to abrogate Article 370.

2019/06/16 ~~ Prefaced the RTI section.

2019/06/15 ~~ Started the page J.C.Kumarappa and Gandhi's Struggle for Economic Justice under the section 'Excerpts'.

2018/10/14 ~~ Uploaded the excerpt Gujarat Ka Lalla under the section 'Excerpts'

2018/09/13 ~~ Uploaded the excerpt A Desire to Conserve under the section 'Excerpts'

2018/07/21 ~~ Uploaded the essay Reflective Practice under the section 'Writings'

2018/07/04 ~~ Addition of P.P.S. to the essay 'A Fine Intervention'.

2018/06/15 ~~ Addition of a P.S. to the essay 'A Fine Intervention'.

2018/06/05 ~~ Added reference to an opinion piece by Abbot Downing on Active versus Passive investing at the end of Principles of Personal Investment; highly readable.

2018/06/02 ~~~ Uploaded the essay A Fine Intervention under the section 'Writings'.

2018/04/16 ~~~ Modifications to the initial section of Principles of Personal Investment, addition of three rules and mention of National Pension System in the accompanying illustration.